Just a quick heads up about The Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland’s autumn conference, which takes place next weekend (4th-5th of November) at The Gresham-Metropole Hotel, McCurtain Street, Cork. This years theme is ‘Heritage tourism and community initiatives; the value of communicating archaeology’. There is also a chance to test your archaeology/general knowledge at the the IAI table quiz on the Friday night.
This conference will explore the potential for communicating archaeology through both heritage tourism and local community initiatives. The archaeological profession is increasingly aware of how heritage can be developed and promoted to make a sustainable economic and social contribution, and it is imperative that we play a central role in such initiatives. We invite an examination of the ways in which the past can be experienced though places and activities, enabling authentic representations of the stories and people from prehistory to the present. Themes to be addressed will include the potential for creating a sense of place, memory and identity through archaeology, the importance of protecting local heritage and engaging with the public through participation, the educational value of archaeology and the potential for archaeology to contribute to sustainable tourism and local regeneration.
The full programme of talks can be accessed here IAI Programme
The IAI website also has further information on the conference