This is the second in our series of old photos of Ireland taken from the Library of Congress Collections. The images, which date from between 1890 and 1900, give a glimpse of how Ireland looked on the cusp of the twentieth century. The first series of photos can be viewed here: Old Photos Ireland, Series 1.


Do you have any pictures of old advertising from Ireland.
Do you have any photos available of Queen’s County (Laois) at the turn of the 18th century? Would love to see some from the area my immigrant came from about 1701. One of his brothers also lived in Kilkenny for a time.
Does anyone have pictures of the Darcey’s of Galway. They were one of the original tribes of Galway. Any pictures would be wonderful, like of the homes, the business, Galway in that time frame, and the Darcey’s themselves?????
Thank you so much in advance.
S. Lee Green (Darcey & McCarty)
Have you any photos of ballinard house in count of shronell in county Tipperary also Killenure castle in Dumdrun near Tipperary